WRV Skate Team


Who or what got you into skateboarding? 

 Since my dad and all of his friends were a big part of the VB skate scene, I was born right into it, and when I was old enough to stand on a board, I never stopped.

When did you start skating? 

 I started skating as soon as I could stand, holding onto the coffee table while standing on my dad's board. I slowly worked my way up to the skateparks.

What’s your favorite thing about skateboarding? 

My favorite thing about skateboarding is that you have full creativity. You can choose to do whatever you want, whenever you want, put your own style on it, and just have fun! 

Favorite memory skateboarding? 

 My favorite memory from skateboarding has to be getting to travel outside of the U.S. for the first time, going to Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. I could never have imagined that this little wooden toy would take me all over the world getting to explore amazing places.

Who is your favorite skater/ role model? Why?

My favorite skater was always Bob Burnquist, his originality, and creativity combined with extremely difficult tricks always blew my mind. But my role model growing up was Rob “Peewee” Agliam, a local VB pro skater. He taught me a lot of my first tricks on the vert ramp, and I always aspired to do his difficult tricks, which I would later learn as my first few advanced tricks. He has always been a second father to me and continues to push me harder and harder every day.

Song request for your intro:

Black Magic - Slayer


1st Place - Tim Brauch Memorial 2016

2nd Place - Mystic Skate Cup 2022

2nd Place - Tampa Concrete Jam 2023

2nd Place - Redbull Cold Bowl 2022


Wave Riding Vehicles

Embassy Skateboards

SpeedLab Wheels

Ace Trucks


Merge 4 Socks

187 Killer Pads

Skeleton Key Mfg.



Who or what got you into skateboarding? 

My aunt used to skate and she would take me to skateparks when she babysat me.

When did you start skating? 

3 or 4 years old.

What’s your favorite thing about skateboarding? 

The community, I’ve met all of my friends through skateboarding.

Favorite memory skateboarding? 

Just cruising down the streets of the oceanfront or downtown Norfolk and skating anything my friends and I could find.

Who is your favorite skater/ role model? Why?

I have to say Collin Graham, not only is he a great skater but a very humble person and I think he makes a great role model.


Wave Riding Vehicles

Limb Boards



When did you start skating? 

My dad had a board ever since I can remember, but I started skating around 7.

What’s your favorite thing about skateboarding? 

Skating in the late 90’s/early 2000’s. 

Who is your favorite skater/ role model? Why?

Tom Penny, he seems so relaxed when he skates.

Song request for your intro: 

Vanes Carrollton  - 1000 miles


Wave Riding Vehicles

Ruckus Official

SpeedLab Wheels

Elenex Brand



Who or what got you into skateboarding? 

My dad and brother skated when I was young, so I was kind of born into it.

When did you start skating? 

I started taking it more seriously when I was around 4.

What’s your favorite thing about skateboarding? 

It keeps me out of trouble and keeps my body moving. Learning new things and kicking it with homies.

Favorite memory skateboarding? 

My favorite memory skating is probably skating my old home park in Currituck, NC. It was an old grind line park, super gnarly. Pros would travel and skate with us.

Who is your favorite skater/ role model? Why?

My favorite skater is probably Raven Hershey, he goes fast and charges it so fluent. My role model is pushead.

Song request for your intro: 

Dark Throne - In the Shadow of the Horns


Wave Riding Vehicles

Embassy Skateboards

Pussie Worldwide

SnypeFour Clothing



Who or what got you into skateboarding? 

My dad being a skateboarder.

When did you start skating? 

3 - 4 years old.

What’s your favorite thing about skateboarding? 

The self expression, everyone does it different.

Favorite memory skateboarding? 

Mini van trips with the homies.

Who is your favorite skater/ role model? Why?

My pops, he’s 58 and still skating with style.

Song request for your intro: 

Living in Darkness - Agent Orange


Wave Riding Vehicles

Embassy Skateboards





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