"The nucleus of all boards"... "universal tool to wave sliding"... "the staple". Having a board quiver without a proper fish is like golfing without a putter. The “Fish" has passed through space and time since its origin in the late 60's by creator Steve Lis. Since then it's been evolving, adapting, experimented with and re-evolved. Through many shapers, surfers, and backyard builders, the fish has seen countless unique shapes and sizes. Jordan's fish story led him on a journey that took most of his shaping career to find a design that would be versatile, user friendly, aesthetically pleasing, and most of all... FUN!  SIZING FROM 4'10-6'10


To place an order for a custom WRV Surfboard contact WRV Factory: (252)491-8535, To learn more about boards currently in stock at WRV, visit any WRV location or dealer, or contact a representative.


Wave Riding Vehicles


Check out this year's brand new catalog to explore our world class surfboards.